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Saturday, June 03, 2006 

BOAT, Bullet Time, and Rapport

Blank Out Approach Theory (BOAT)
You can be completely aware that you're about to make this approach. At first, you may find your legs moving, or if you're sitting down, moving to stand up. Now at this moment, it would be odd to sit back down. You'll have gotten up for no apparent reason. Likewise, it would be odd for you to walk back to your initial position, so you might as well keep going.

Move to position yourself closer and closer to your target. In Philosophy of the Mind, my professor talked about how, to get from point A to point B, you'd first have to get halfway between A and B. Let's call this A.5. Then you'd have to get halfway between A.5 and B, and let's call that A.75. And so on. Get it? If all else fails, you can just walk past your target to go and do something else (like go to the restroom, talk to someone else, etc.) and regroup. This also sets you up to return to your initial position, which would include having to pass by your target set again, giving you a 2nd chance.

Bullet Time
The closer and closer you get to your set, the more your mind should blank out. Your body language and breathing should be EXTREMELY slow. Imagine going into "Bullet Time." Your confidence, in part, may come from knowing that this "Bullet Time Effect" coupled with blanking out is sure to help you succeed. At this point, say whatever comes to mind that you had initially thought moments ago before blanking out.

The last thing you want to do is have the outer body experience of you watching and analyzing the things you say and coming up with that PERFECT response. GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD! Know that staying in your head is a means of impending failure. You have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so LISTEN twice as much as you speak. Get comfortable with the feeling of, "Oh wow. This is easy! Much less thinking and speaking on my part. More for her to do." In this case, less is more. Guys, I'm a lazy ass by human nature. Why try harder when you don't have to?

Wide and Deep Rapport
1) Superficial and Mundane - Things and events, favorite music, anything you already like.
2) Quirky and Meaningful - Childhood experiences, odd, funny stories, realizations, etc.
3) Pivotal Milestones - Life-changing experiences, decisions, hard times (stay positive).
4) Deep, Truthful, and Vulnerable - A few stories that most people don't know about you.

You WON'T reach every level with every girl. Some girls don't like to get into deep conversations. I, for one, LOVE getting into deep, intellectual conversations. I feel it's my natural state of mind to contemplate deeply and thoroughly. Or to just sit back, observe, and enjoy the interactions around me. I generally think WAY too much!

In Wide Rapport, the interactions will be much more fun and playful. You can act things out, make funny faces and sounds, and couple that with playful touching, such as poking, pinky swears, high fives, the rock, light slapping (like on the wrist or the butt). In Deep Rapport, you're actually leading your girl into your own "Bullet Time Reality." The things around you will slow down, and time itself may be at a standstill. If done too early, it could be awkward. It would become a premature development in conversation. OR your girl could be more of the playful type and just get bored. Use calibration to see which direction your girl would rather go.

On the other hand, some women would prefer to go straight into intellectual talk. More slow and affectionate kino: hand holding, caressing, massaging, etc. Now if she JUMPS into this kind of conversation, it would actually prompt me to lively it up a little and make it somewhat playful without being immature. At that point, you may want to tap into her childlike side, which most of her boring intellectual friends probably don't do. Basically, be serious or playful without being boring. It's all Push-Pull. Again, use calibration. Only experience in the field will breed success. And only success will breed TRUE confidence.

To sum all this up: set your BOAT out. Raise your sail. Just ride the waves, and go where the wind my take you.

Hmmm... cheezy, yet profound. I dig it.



About me

  • I'm Pastiche
  • From Houston, Texas, United States
  • My mentality is all about POSITIONING. We choose to design a LIFESTYLE that serves our core values in Health, Wealth, and Love. The more we fine-tune this lifestyle, the closer we position ourselves towards our goals. By taking a macro, big-picture approach to life, you streamline and reduce the need to micro manage, and increase your capacity for enjoying the process. Less effort. More quality.
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