Monday, April 09, 2007 

Thursday, October 19th: She Lost Her Breath

I never wrote about this before coz I was getting too detailed about it and got sick of it. But I posted it elsewhere as advice and decided it was good enough for an FR. :) This was the day before I took a month's leave from my journal here:

Jan 18 2007, 10:13 AM
One of my absofuckinglutely favorite, FAVORITE experiences approaching direct was walking down a hallway at school and catching the eye of one of the hottest girls in the school. She was studying and had earphones on. This was in a hallway with some traffic and other excusers studying. (This was exactly one week after the near-death car accident I had in October.)

I kept going on and around the corner... and then I stopped myself. "Whaaat? No waaay. OMG... you're really gonna do it, huh? You're really gonna go over there and approach her. Holy sh*t." I turned around and went back around the corner, went straight up to her, and stood there. THAT'S IT! I just stood there to get her attention. She noticed me, looked up curiously and took off her ear phones.

Her: :huh: Yes?
Me (dead-serious, intently): You... are absolutely... BEAUTIFUL... I had to come MEET you.

She was absolutely SHOCKED. Like she lost her breath and got the wind knocked out of her! She smiled, presented her hand, and introduced herself. I sat with her, and we had a really interesting conversation, which stalled at first. Then she told me she had boyfriend (which at that point, I was getting ready to leave), and then she said, "It's okay. I'll still give you my number."

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Later her body language perked up and she backed away from her laptop. Now her shoulders/body were facing me, and she folded her legs up in her seat. The interaction concluded with difficulty. At this point it was hard to stop talking, but we managed to end it coz I was on a time crunch and had to go pick my mom up from work. Still, that was probably the most incredible reaction and turn around I've ever had with this approach.

Needless to say, we still talk. And every time we interact, we tend to be bubbly and dork around. :D


Mode One Structure and Radical Honesty

This is hands down the most extreme case of meeting women out there, and I don't recommend it for everyone. It's not for the faint of heart. Fuck, I'M not this extreme. However, you could try... whatever happens, you'd gain massive amounts of confidence. Props for having brass balls and being courageous. Approaching as direct and honest as possible makes all other approaches seem easy. You can RELAX! It's the fastest learning tool and fear destroyer.

Actually... I DID behave like such with a couple women on the phone. That's probably why I don't have phone anxiety anymore. And I flirt like a mofo. ;D I wonder what would happen should I do this once or twice in my lifetime in person...

Here's the hidden article from the "Mode One Backstory" I posted earlier.

In place of the first scripted bulk of the document, I decided to include part of the scene that was mentioned. It makes much more sense than reading the script.
Scene from Talk Dirty to Me
Now what's funny about this scene is, when I first saw it, I didn't think a guy could pull this off in real-life. Neither did my brother, and many of my close male friends. They were like, "That stuff only happens in the movies ..."

Not true. Soon, I began imitating the behavior of "Jack." Not so much his exact words, but more so his attitude, his body language, and his overall confident demeanor. Sure enough, I soon started having my own seduction experiences that were very close in nature to Jack's in this movie.

There was almost a "pattern" to it:

1) I would approach a woman...
2) I'd tell her my [sexual] interests in a self-assured, provocatively straightforward manner
3) More often than not, the woman harshly criticizes me for being "too forward," "crass," or something like that
4) Similar to Jack in the movie, I remain cool, calm, and collected in response to her criticisms
5) Eventually, I end up seducing that woman ... either that day, or a few days later.

::cocky smirk & a wink::

Alan, author of "Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking"

Here's more of "Jack" displaying Radical Honesty... which, btw, is another book I should really check out. By Brad Blanton: This one's a bit more romantic and less vulgar... and then vulgar again! ;P A bit cheezy, but then again, pretty intense. You can just feel the tension.

No one's ever really honest anymore! And that's what sets people like you and me apart from the pack. David X calls "Honesty" your greatest weapon. It's what's between your ears. One of the things he says is how... to be a man, you've gotta be able to look someone in the eyes and tell'em the truth. Another great saying: the more you tell the truth, the less you have to remember. It's much easier to free flow when you're not makin' shit up!

The basis of David X's teachings is Honesty, Trust, and Respect. Mode One and David X are two perspectives of the exact same thing: fuck what anyone else thinks, and be honest to yourself. Or in other words: know what you want, and don't be afraid to go after it. That's what a REAL man does. It's not just about women. It's an attitude for life, your health and well-being. Peace of mind. Come from the heart!

(And/or your crotch! ;P)

Sunday, April 08, 2007 


Men lack real masculinity. Men are afraid of being men. The Equality Movement has done a lot of great things... but we didn't get it! Instead of "equality," we got "sameness." Men have become more like women. Women have become more like men.

The Seduction Community exists today due to our lack of real role models. Real father figures. Male role models. Men who've grown up with badass fathers and brothers needn't even look at what we have. They're normal and natural.

I've been fortunate to have an awesome brother, and to have associated myself with business leaders, the strongest masculine minds possible, and local doers and go-getters. :) I'm also fortunate to have had a horrible father who obviously loves me but doesn't know how to be a good dad, for without his influence (or lack thereof), I wouldn't know what NOT to do. I'm gonna be the best dad and husband ever. :D

Saturday, April 07, 2007 

Wayne Elise aka "Juggler"

Be an airhead! Train yourself NOT to think. Just say SOMETHING.

Statements of Intent. "You're sexy."

Answering questions. Facts are bad!


Niels Hoven

I actually enjoyed this video. Make her smile. Hang out. Go for lunch. Bada bing! :D


Victor Malvado

Victor has been a great contributor to the Direct Method Forum. He doesn't post anymore, but his journal has some great nuggets mixing NLP and Direct.

The Direct Walkup
This is one of the best explanations I've come across that explains how to do the direct approach. It's basically Approach, Vacuum, Qualify. I don't care much for the "I know it's absurd..." part. You can say all that if you want, but it's best that you come up with what works best for you afterwards.

So far, I just approach, enjoy her eyes, and if she hasn't stuck out her hand and introduced herself to me yet, I lead and exchange intros, and then go into talk.

Absorb this and Mode One thoroughly. 17 times if you have to. Just like a commercial that you can't get out of your head. ;)

Inner Game
Victor is also a master of NLP and Inner Game. Here's a great video that accompanies the mentality of the Direct Walkup. Great stuff about interrupting emotional states... a great way to catch yourself when you're thinking too much.

Don't go for "cheap" rapport. If you're TRYING to get rapport, you'll won't get it. My take? You don't have to "go for" it. You already have it! If you "try" to "get" this from her, this assumes that you don't already have it, and you'll lose it.

Essentially, we're saying the same things.

Check out more of his stuff!


Alan Roger Currie

This is it. This is direct. This is Mode One. The real-life "Jack."

For more about Mode One, please visit Alan Roger Currie's blog.
And buy his book. It's only $15!!!

Here's his interview with the McClendon Report. (20 minutes)

About me

  • I'm Pastiche
  • From Houston, Texas, United States
  • My mentality is all about POSITIONING. We choose to design a LIFESTYLE that serves our core values in Health, Wealth, and Love. The more we fine-tune this lifestyle, the closer we position ourselves towards our goals. By taking a macro, big-picture approach to life, you streamline and reduce the need to micro manage, and increase your capacity for enjoying the process. Less effort. More quality.
My profile
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