Friday, June 15, 2007 

Forums Are CRAP!

I recently had a chat with Ranko Magami of Attract & Date. My mentality has grown so much from his philosophy and the followers he's made an impact on... OBVIOUSLY! Here's what he had to say about forums.

me: now jnz from the old badboy cafe is having me take a break from all t he forums. i'm finding it hard to do his mission of not logging in for 3 weeks and simply admiring women
i've had this stuff too much on the brain
and i wanna stop reading so much
Ranko: forums are CRAP
me: sheesh yeah...
i'm feeling more in tune with reality these days
Ranko: look
forum is against a&d principles
it motivates people to type
me: hmmm...
Ranko: instead of motivating people to DO
me: yeah i can see that
Ranko: forum has a postive part
but negative is bigger

Sure, forums can be nice. Very good for starting a journal, holding yourself accountable, getting advice, and teaching/exercising new beliefs. But the ultimate form of accomplishment is going out there and DOING IT. That's where your true assertiveness and courageousness will come from.

You have no business being on a forum without experiences to share that others can work with and critique. That's the only reason to be on there. If you're not doing shit, don't post! Put in the work first so that others can work with you. They'll do their 50%, but first you needa come up with yours.


The Five Levels of Seducers

From Day 1 of Louis & Copeland's Mastery Program.

Where do you fall under? BE HONEST with yourself.

The Five Levels of Seducers

Day 1 of the Mastery Program teaches you about the five levels of seducers and about how to use the program most effectively.

Level 1: The "Hoper."

This man does nothing, and lives in hope that someday he'll meet a woman who will want him. He's been so demoralized by his interaction with women that he can do nothing but wait helplessly. Most of the time, this man ends up alone.

Level 2: The "Occasional Tryer."

This man tries something to meet women every few weeks or months, but gets easily demoralized and gives up, only to try again a few weeks or a few months later. Given infinite time, this approach would work. Given one lifetime, it's totally relying on luck, and the odds are against you.

Level 3a: The "Studier."

This man studies seduction, reads all the books, and perhaps argues about it on-line, or with dating coaches, but he never is actually able to get himself to take action. His need to get it right, and to have his interactions with women work perfectly the first time he tries them, leads him to continuously study to perfect his technique while never taking action or risking rejection or failure with a real-world woman. His need to study until he can do it "perfectly" stops this man in his tracks.

Level 3b: The "Quick Fixer."

This man is looking for a quick fix to his dating problems. He's taken in by anything that offers him irresistible attraction to women with no real work involved. He empties his wallet on pheromone-scented cologne, subliminal seduction tapes, or techniques which promise to teach him how to bamboozle women and make them into sex slaves in five minutes or less. He often lives in some past glory of the time his quick-fix approach to seduction actually worked. He keeps on the lookout for the next quick-fix that will at last make him effortlessly irresistible to the women of his dreams.

The Level 3 seducer also sees success and failure in a very black-and-white way: either he got sex, tonight, or he was a total failure. He's unable to celebrate the successes he has which move him on his way to becoming a successful seducer; he's not willing to feel good about moving a seduction forward in small steps. He's not able to feel good about his "failures," or to receive the learning that he could get from seductions that don't end in sex. His need to find a quick fix leaves him unwilling to do the long-term work it takes to become a successful seducer.

Level 4: The Man who Works the Fundamentals.

The Level 4 seducer understands something that levels 1 through 3 don't: He understands that the "war" in dating is not with women, with bad luck, or with the world. He understands that the "war" is in his head, with himself.

This means that the Level 4 Seducer understands that the world doesn't need to change. If he wants his world to be different, he needs to change. He understands that, when it comes to dating, there is no "quick fix," and that studying until you get it "right" before talking to women will always leave him in the cold, alone.

The Level 4 Seducer understands that successfully seducing women is like any other long- term project. He understands that, at first, he will have to put a lot of energy into it, and settle for small results until he gets better at it. He knows that at the beginning of learning any new skill there is a lot of work, and that the returns at first are small. He understands that returns get larger only as his skill level increases, and understands that will only happen with practice.

The Level 4 Seducer understands the Fundamentals of seduction, and practices the fundamentals on a daily basis. He knows that only by mastering the fundamentals can he become a more effortless and effective seducer.

He's willing to do the work to get the results. His motto might be, "I understand that if my world is to change, I must change. Just tell me what the work is to do, and I'll do it." He does the work, takes responsibility for all of it, doesn't expect women to generate anything, and gets the results.

Level 5: The "Man's Man."

The Level 5 Seducer has integrated the fundamentals of seduction into his life so thoroughly that he no longer has to think about them: they are part of who he is as a man, and he has the relationships he wants with women, and the sex life he wants.

The Level 5 Seducer creates the life he wants on every level, either by generalizing the fundamentals of seduction to other areas of his life, or by discovering other fundamentals that he can master to give him the results he's after. The Level 5 makes his life work for him, and lives life on his own terms. The Level 5 Seducer has a life and an affect that makes women want to be around him. His life generates many opportunities to interact with women, and he's so good at seducing that women actually pursue him.

You cannot be a Level 5 Seducer without mastering being a Level 4 Seducer First! If you think you can be a Level 5 without mastering the fundamentals as a Level 4, you are actually a Level 3, looking for a quick fix.


The Harsh Realities

Taken from Louis & Copeland's Mastery Program.

This is by far the most COMPLETE dating system out there that I've come across. Going through the program, I realized how simple and effectively it was delivered. Now, the mere fact that I've read a ton means I didn't really learn much of anything new from it... but it DID help me pinpoint a few things I'd been overlooking that I'd realized I've been a dumbass about.

Great production and presentation. All of Louis & Copeland's products are top-notch. I even got a good kick in the butt by their "Nice Guy Syndrome" program. I realized several months ago that my flakiness and pushing women away coz I didn't wanna hurt them was inadvertently hurting them anyway! So it was just me being stupid. Instead of being a "Hard to Get" guy, I've been "Impossible to Get." Like my good buddy Khiem (ITotem) keeps telling me, "MAKE YOURSELF ATTAINABLE!"

These guys have managed to stay so well out of all the community dogma that people haven't really ever heard of them. Their simplicity and attachment to the fundamental truths is what makes them direct to me.

This is all that any program out there is (or should be) about:
The three prongs to the Mastery Program

1. Learning to get lots of women in front of you, so you have a lot of women to work with.
2. Learning the technology of talking to women, so you know what to say and what to do.
3. Getting past the problems and trouble that will inevitably crop up, both in you and in the world around you.

VERY similar to what I've learned from comecuca about simply being comfortable approaching and then being comfortable being with women.

And now, the Harsh Realities from Day 2 of The Mastery Program.

* Frustration will try to stop you.
* When you deal with women there will be frustration, and you must learn to handle it.
* Learn to handle unfairness and frustration.
* If you are used to figuring it all out and having things instantly work, you have a problem, because that won't work with women, and will drive them away. You must get used to frustration or you'll never get women.
* If you are used to throwing a tantrum when things are frustrating and having people "hop to," you'll have to let that go, because it won't work with women.


* Along with frustration, perfectionism will get in the way of getting women.
* Perfectionism will stop you from taking action. If everything has to be perfect before you will take action to pursue women, you will never pursue women, or do it so slowly as to be essentially ineffective.
* You must take the approach of "ready, fire, aim." Do the homework, take action, and learn from your mistakes.

The "Problem"

Every guy has a problem, and he thinks his problem is the worst in the world. You'll think your problem is special, and knocks you out of being able to pursue women. Thinking this is normal.

Possible problems:

* You're too old
* You're divorced
* You have kids
* You live in New York City
* You live in a small town
* You want kinky sex

...all these problems are normal. The program will help you deal with them.

The Numbers Game

Dating is frustrating because, statistically, the next thing you do with a woman will probably fail. That's why you have to have a lot of different approaches and try a lot of stuff. You need to be like Han Solo: "Never tell me the odds!" The odds stop mattering when you have enough women in your system. If you keep your numbers high enough, odds don't matter. That's the purpose of prong one of the program, "Learning to get lots of women in front of you, so you have a lot of women to work with."


Don't be surprised when your dating goes through phases, or waves. For instance you may go through a phase of women never calling back, then a phase of women calling a lot, a phase of being rejected by everyone, a phase of having success with lots of women in a row, every women you meet being blonde, or a teacher, and so on. The good news is, phases can work in your favor; sometimes you'll be on a wave of great successes that you can ride. The point is, you shouldn't be surprised that dating comes in phases, or waves.

I will be updating my links soon to accommodate for these guys and the reduction of material that I currently stick to. Less reading. More DOING!

About me

  • I'm Pastiche
  • From Houston, Texas, United States
  • My mentality is all about POSITIONING. We choose to design a LIFESTYLE that serves our core values in Health, Wealth, and Love. The more we fine-tune this lifestyle, the closer we position ourselves towards our goals. By taking a macro, big-picture approach to life, you streamline and reduce the need to micro manage, and increase your capacity for enjoying the process. Less effort. More quality.
My profile
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