Friday, June 30, 2006 

Life Rules by Badboy

1) Girls Will Not Make You Happy
Happiness is inside YOU, not in other people… or stuff that you need to buy. That is exactly society wants you to think; to look outside yourself to others or things you need to buy for your happiness. But this can only bring temporary happiness. Most girls out there are unhappy with their lives and they search for a man to make them happy. Actually they search for a happy man, to jump into his life, and enjoy his life. That is why you must focus on yourself first, before you bring someone else in your life.

2) If You Don’t Change You Will Stay Where You Are
This is simple. Same actions get same results. If you are not happy with what you are getting from life, it’s time to change. Try anything, but don’t stay where you are because it will lead you exactly to where you are now. Moving in a new direction will lead to new results.

3) What Would You Do If There Was No Fear?
Can you imagine how your life would be if there were absolutely no fear in it? Ask yourself, what would you do, how would you behave? Then start doing those things, little by little, to decondition yourself from fear and reprogram yourself to do the things you really want to do. When you beat your fear, you will be FREE.

4) The Sooner You Forget Your Old Girlfriend, The Sooner You Will Find a New One
Most guys, after they break up with a girl, they think about her for months. It’s normal after long term relationships to have emotions for that girl, but the sooner you forget about her, the sooner you will find a new girl. Be aware that an end is a new beginning. It’s smart to always have a backup girl in your life, so when you break up with one girl, you can jump to the other one. That is the reason why you should always stay social and go out, no matter how hot and pefect your girl is. There is always a chance you will break up.

5) Don ’t Wait For Girls To Come To You
You should always be pro-active. It’s a very bad idea to stay home and think, “Its just going to happen.” That’s how girls think, because they generally play a more passive role in society. It’s written in your genes that we are the stronger sex, the hunters, the ones that make thing happen. That’s how it’s been for million of years. Don’t betray your genes and evolution.

6) If You Think You Can Get The Girl, You Can
It’s very important to stay focused on positivity and be sure that for every action you do, sooner or later you will be rewarded. Avoid negative thoughts, girls can feel it, and as soon they smell you are a “bad thinker” they will avoid you.

7) Go For Your Dreams
Never abandon your dreams. They will keep you motivated. There is nothing on this planet that can stop you from making your dreams come true, except you. There is nothing more important than your dreams. Life is too short to not make yourself happy.

8) Start Chasing Girls And ENJOY It
Soon you will realize that the chase is so much fun it is often times better than the actual sex is. In the long run, girls like sex more than guys do. We get bored with one girl pretty quickly and our genes motivate us to a find a new girl, to spread our semen. While girls are programmed to find that 'special one' and raise kids with him. So enjoy the chase, enjoy going out, and have fun doing it. It’s a natural instinct for us.

9) Life Is Constant Change
Those who cannot adapt themselves to new environments will die. To be really successful in life and with women, you must use everything life gives you. All your good and bad qualities. You must use all disadvantages to your advantage. Loud music, dark clubs, your hobbies... everything! It’s a skill to learn to use everything to your advantage. It’s different way of thinking than you are p robably used to but always ask yourself, "What can I do with this?" and, "How can I use this in my favour?"

10) The More You Worry About Getting Girls, The Less Success You Will Have
Neediness is a big turn off for everybody. When you want something too much, it lowers your value as a person. It means something is more important then you are. So the key is: know what you want on the inside, but be cool, like you don’t care too much on the outside or that it will come easily to you. The less you appear to care and the easier things seem for you, the better results you will get.

11) Every Girl Is A Potential Girlfriend, Whether You Realize It Or Not
Everything is an opportunity. The girl walking down the street, two girls in a coffeeshop talking, the girl next door . If you take what life gives you and make the absolute most of it, you will find a lot of opportunities that you never thought were possible. A new girl will come to you as a gift if you enjoy it as a challenge, make the move and beat your fear.

12) Fear of Change Will Prevent You From Changing
People are afraid of change. Most of them are zombies, and they don’t want to change because of a fear of the unknown. And of course if you don’t change you will get what you’ve always got. You must SEE the advantage of changing yourself and take ACTION immediately, even if it is uncomfortable.

Friday, June 23, 2006 

Dating Advice by Badboy

You must learn how to date.

Every date you go on is a chance to seduce the girl you are dating, and to start a beautiful relationship with her. Dating is a skill to be learned. Follow my dating advice, and you'll become a dating monster!

Dating ADVICE #1

If you do everything correctly, you should be kissing and getting more physical with the girl all the way along to your fifth date. Those first 5 dates are crucial. Usually during the second and third dates, the girl will decide whether she wants to be with you or not.

Badboy: "Dating is like playing a game. Everytime you do it, you will get better and better at it. There is some dating advice and some rules that you should stick to."

Dating ADVICE #2

If a girl agrees to date 4-5, she is interested in you. You just need to make it happen. So Do it!

Badboy: "Everybody on this planet is doing exactly the same thing on dates. Be different.
Avoid the usual dating scenarios: movies, dinner, bars, and clubs. Girls are bored with it. Give them some

Dating ADVICE #3

Date with style. Let the date be adventurous, interesting and unpredictable. Take her bungee jumping, to an art gallery, to the zoo, to watch the stars.

Badboy: "The best advice I can give you is: Be different!

Dating ADVICE #4

Start seeing multiple girls - always have a backup. You’re much better off seeing two girls per week than one every day. Your life will be more interesting, and girls will usually fight for your attention when they realize they are not the only one in your life. Don’t be afraid to enjoy your life. Life is too short!


Don’t buy flowers or other things to make a girl like you. It’s SUSPICIOUS - a big turn-off for her.
The girl must like you because of who you are - not because of your money or your power to buy her things.


Don’t make your sexual move too soon – that’s really bad. Don't be NEEDY. Relax and enjoy your time with her. Everything will happen in good time.


It’s also a mistake NOT to make a move at all – that’s just as bad as the previous mistake. If you don’t make any move, or you don’t show enough interest in her during the first 5-6 dates, she may think that you don’t like her or that you just want to be FRIENDS.
Once you enter the “let’s just be friends zone," you’ve created a big problem for yourself.


Don’t expect the girl to lead the date. You must be the MAN. You must exert control over the date. Girls expect that from us. Be creative and use your imagination.


When you are in a bar, don’t sit on the opposite side of the table from her. That’s a big mistake. Never sit so the table is between you and her. Sit next to her. Then you are closer to her, and you also have the opportunity to touch her and be physical with her.

Friday, June 09, 2006 

The Physiology of Body Language

I feel like I definitely need to include this article in my blog.

Months ago, I felt like I had this stuff down pat. I'd come from a hardcore marching band school, and I'd taken a dance class. So naturally, I took it for granted. But I found that this stuff is ABSOLUTELY key. I hadn't paid as much attention to it before... that is until I latched onto one key element from some Pickup101 material I'd never thought of before.


Think of something that SUCKS. Go back in time and imagine a scenario that just about made you keel over. Now smile. Chances are, you can't help but feel a bit lighter. A bit happier. Now try to get back into that negative state. You may find it's not as easy to return to! This is EXACTLY what I missed when I would do my body language stuff. Some part of me felt confident with it, I just didn't realize that putting myself in such a posture would do it automatically. I didn't realize there was chemistry at work.

I used to do it to cover up my insecurities. I'd walk around all hard and with a 'tude on my face. People would tell me to smile. People thought I was either mad or in deep thought all the time. But really, it was just my normal face! (Actually this, coupled with my extreme introvertedness in early high school, gave me an aura of mystery and presence that DID get some girls to approach and flirt with me. Hot ones! Too bad I was too jacked up to not know whatever the hell to do!!!) Heck, I STILL do it, but now I use it as a first impression tool. The look. The presence. The way I carry myself.

Now, I do approaches, and I pay more attention to my body. Lo and behold, it feels REALLY good to be in set and NOT flinch. Not even a fidget. To hold eye contact even when I can't think of things to say. It's come to the point where, if this happens, sometimes I don't even TRY to think of anything to say. I'll just look into her eyes, brows arched, looking at her like she's the cutest dork in the world, just as she rambles on and makes herself laugh. It's FUNNY SHIT. And I don't even have to DO anything!

With body language alone, you can flip on 10 out of about 15 attraction switches! This leaves you with 5 more switches, one story per switch, for 25 minutes of your time. You don't even need ALL of them. Just tell 1-3 within a good 15 minute conversation for a solid day2 close! Anyway, without further adieu, I present to you Badboy's definitive Body Language Guide @ Spirit Fingers' newly designed Sex Revolution Blog.


Thursday, June 08, 2006 

The StyleLife Challenge

Wanna see Style in his AFC days?


Mystery Plows Through Shit Tests!

Mystery is... THE SHIT!!!


The Art of Testing by Swinggcat

Hey guys,

How would you like to learn secrets that will cut the amount of time you need to spend learning how to ATTRACT women in half, while simultaneously doubling your success with women?

I am going to share three of them with you. I remember how excited I was when it dawned on me what these secrets are. It happened around six years ago while hanging with my friend Gino (Pay attention: Gino is one of the guys who had a big influence on me). Although Gino was of Middle Eastern descent, he would tell women that he was Italian and that his name was Gino Gambino.

Gino Gambino was not his real name - I don't think I even remember his real name! Does this guy sound cheesy or what? It gets better. He wasn't just ugly, he was oooogly: he had greasy slicked back hair, a long protruding nose, and little eyes that looked like dull bits of clay dropped into the eye sockets.

Gino called me up one Saturday afternoon suggesting that we go pick up women at a community college. I met him down there. Gino, the urban product of watching too many bad Italian gangster movies and listening to too many MTV rap videos on how to be a player, was sporting a repugnant white linen suit, terminator shades, and brown loafers with no socks - can we say gross?! To top it off, Gino was blessed with a vile scent: I could smell his body odor from several feet away. Maybe he believed his pheromones ATTRACTED women, I don't know. But it was so bad that day that every time I inhaled I writhed from his über stench. The impending events, however, blew my mind.

Gino immediately got to work. He swaggered up to a woman with his nineteen-seventies “I'm a macho man” posturing and spouted in his thick foreign accent one of his cheesy pick up lines, “I'm going to call you luscious. You know why? Because you are voluptuous.” Things, then, took a gruesome turn for the ugly when the girl threatened to call campus security on Gino. Unfazed by what just happened, Gino impetuously started talking to another girl - but this time, he slightly modified his approach. It did not, alas, go well for him - after only a few minutes the woman demanded that he leave her alone. So he started talking to yet another girl, modifying his approach even further. On the approach he was still really cheesy and was touting himself to her as God's gift to women. Overall, however, the girl was into him and she ended up giving him her phone number. As he modified his approach with each new woman he talked to his results got progressively better.

The next three women he approached ended up giving him their phone numbers. Next he approached two really hot babes and ended up having the women come over to his apartment. What happened next is not appropriate for this newsletter. So you can use your imagination. All I can say is that it was pretty amazing what he pulled off. After that day, I witness Gino accomplish many more amazing feats with women.

What are the life changing secrets I learned from Gino? What are the secrets that will dramatically increase your success with women? I'll tell you this much: These secrets are the reason why I am able to get progressively better and better with women. Here they are.


Starting with crappy material can bring you rock star success with women. Likewise, waiting until you have developed top notch material before attempting to ATTRACT women in the REAL WORLD will make your sex life sparser than most ninety year old men.

Crap is defined as any material used to engage a woman that you didn't have to study, for example, the cheesy pick up lines Gino uses to engage women. The beauty of using crap is that it might actually work and the invested time you spend studying it is zero.

Some of you, who have been reading my newsletters and have had the opportunity to read my book, might think I am contradicting some of my past advice, namely, that it is a good idea to have a few memorized stories. Let me clarify. I endorse using memorized material - and, in fact, I, myself, use memorized material. What I am against is the guy who spends hours upon hours, sitting in his bedroom, thinking of different things to say to women.

I'm going to tell you a little story. When I was first learning how to ATTRACT women I get a guy who had been studying seduction and dating for years - I think he owned just about every dating self-help product available. Every time we would hang out he would tell me that he did not want to talk to women because he was still developing his ultimate seduction system. One day he called me, telling me that he had finally finished his seduction system and that he was ready to talk to women. I took him to a nightclub where he approached a few women. And you know what: The women were totally turned off by him. How sad! - all of that wasted time.

This is what I call “mental masturbation” and here's why: When you sit in your bedroom, coming up with things to say to women, you are basing it on what you THINK will ATTRACT women, not what necessarily ATTRACTS women. I find that it is much more effective, however, to base your material on REAL WORLD experiences of ATTRACTING women. Put in other words, start with crap and PAY ATTENTION to how women react to it. The more you use your crappy material the more you will be able to hone it into something powerfully effective - just like Gino did with his cheesy pick up lines. You will notice that certain things are working. Take what's working, go home, polish and rehearse it, making it even more effective. This will become your memorized material. But it will be based on REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE.

A caveat: I am not saying that you should never sit down and think of ways to ATTRACT women. I think doing this is fine. Just keep it to a minimum and realize that your best material is going to come from interacting with women in the REAL WORLD.

My book, which is based on my experiences in the REAL WORLD ATTRACTING WOMEN, will save you a lot of time because it will give you the right intuitions for knowing when you are ATTRACTING a woman and when you are repelling her. Using my book in conjunction with going out and practicing on REAL LIVE WOMEN IN THE REAL WORLD will synergistically turbo charge your success with women. So, if you are ready to make a commitment to living the life you want to live, come pick up my book today.

This leads nicely into the next secret...


I have observed that most guys allocate their time learning how to ATTRACT women as follows: eighty percent of their time is spent “studying how” to attract women, and only twenty percent of their time is spent “actually” attracting women in the REAL WORLD. This is unfortunate because, in my experience, “studying how” to ATTRACT women only accounts for twenty percent of what will improve your skill set with women.

Practicing on real live women in the REAL WORLD, however, accounts for eighty percent of what will increase your skill set attracting women. The reason is this: When you are practicing attracting women in the real world it allows you to test what is “actually” working, and what is not. When you study this material in a vacuum, however, you have no way to test if it is going to work. You become like my friend who was trying to come up with the ultimate seduction system.

Not testing is one of the biggest reasons men DON'T succeed with women. Almost every guy I know who is amazing with women is very diligent about testing...even if he is not conscious of it. Testing is about developing your willingness to try things you normally wouldn't do with a woman, and paying close attention to how she reacts. Mastering the art of testing will inevitably increase your success with women.


This one relates to the last two. Most guys want to know exactly what to do at each stage in the process of ATTRACTING a woman. This gives them a sense of control and certainty. When faced with a situation where they are uncertain what to do, they buckle completely. This is because when most men feel uncertain and out of control, they loose all of their confidence, causing women to perceive them as not being the PRIZE. As you know if you have been following my newsletters, women are ATTRACTED to men who are the PRIZE, not the other way around. Loosing your confidence, therefore, is a BAD THING!

One of the distinguishing mind sets of guys who are really good with women is their willingness and confidence to push themselves forward into the realm of uncertainty. When in this realm of uncertainty, they do not worry about not having a clever technique to handle a difficult situation. Instead, they experiment with whatever comes to mind, testing until they find something that works superb.

Along your journey learning how to attract women, you will encounter situations where you will feel uncertain how to respond, ranging from, for example, women acting in unexpected ways, to them testing you...and so on.

Having the confidence and willingness to enter into this unfamiliar and uncertain realm is what distinguishes the master from the beginner. A big key to making this work is having a strong intent: Having the focus and desire to get your intended outcome, coupled with the unwavering belief that you can achieve your outcome. Put in other words, you have to assume whatever it is you are saying or doing to a woman is going have the desired effect. If you do not yet have a strong intent, preventing you from confidently pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, you are severely hindering your development learning how to attract women. My book will give you powerful tools for developing a strong intent. If you are sick and tired of being where you currently are with women and ready to take your success with women to a new level, start reading my book now.

Another element to making these secrets work is respecting the process. What allows someone to use crap, test it, and confidently push into situations he is uncertain how to handle is having the mindset that ATTRACTING WOMEN is only a process. He has the belief that when he fails to ATTRACT a women, it does not mean there is something wrong with him; it means there is a flaw in the process he used to ATTRACT her. He knows that fixing this flaw is as simple as testing material until he finds what works. If you're ready to step up to the plate and start experiencing the life style with women you desire, order now...

'Till next time,



Yellow Fever

I saw this, and I just HAD to post it. Enjoy!


Excerpts: Swinggcat - Unstoppable Confidence

There are men who don't have money, looks, youth, or fame… yet consistently succeed with the women they desire. Women society dictates are out of their league.

They do this because of three things…

1). They don't have the limiting beliefs that hold most men back.

2). They walk into every interaction with a woman believing they are the Prize she's emotionally compelled to win over.

3). They've mastered the skill set of sparking and increasing attraction in the women they desire (and, yes, you too can spark attraction in women despite looks, age, money, or fame).

Though there's not many of these men on our planet, I was lucky enough to learn from a few of them.

Most of these guys don't make their living teaching men how to date women.

Heck, most don't even know they are ladies' men. They just live in a reality where women respond to them in the most mind blowing ways.

So, it was pure luck that I met them.

Saturday, June 03, 2006 

BOAT, Bullet Time, and Rapport

Blank Out Approach Theory (BOAT)
You can be completely aware that you're about to make this approach. At first, you may find your legs moving, or if you're sitting down, moving to stand up. Now at this moment, it would be odd to sit back down. You'll have gotten up for no apparent reason. Likewise, it would be odd for you to walk back to your initial position, so you might as well keep going.

Move to position yourself closer and closer to your target. In Philosophy of the Mind, my professor talked about how, to get from point A to point B, you'd first have to get halfway between A and B. Let's call this A.5. Then you'd have to get halfway between A.5 and B, and let's call that A.75. And so on. Get it? If all else fails, you can just walk past your target to go and do something else (like go to the restroom, talk to someone else, etc.) and regroup. This also sets you up to return to your initial position, which would include having to pass by your target set again, giving you a 2nd chance.

Bullet Time
The closer and closer you get to your set, the more your mind should blank out. Your body language and breathing should be EXTREMELY slow. Imagine going into "Bullet Time." Your confidence, in part, may come from knowing that this "Bullet Time Effect" coupled with blanking out is sure to help you succeed. At this point, say whatever comes to mind that you had initially thought moments ago before blanking out.

The last thing you want to do is have the outer body experience of you watching and analyzing the things you say and coming up with that PERFECT response. GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD! Know that staying in your head is a means of impending failure. You have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so LISTEN twice as much as you speak. Get comfortable with the feeling of, "Oh wow. This is easy! Much less thinking and speaking on my part. More for her to do." In this case, less is more. Guys, I'm a lazy ass by human nature. Why try harder when you don't have to?

Wide and Deep Rapport
1) Superficial and Mundane - Things and events, favorite music, anything you already like.
2) Quirky and Meaningful - Childhood experiences, odd, funny stories, realizations, etc.
3) Pivotal Milestones - Life-changing experiences, decisions, hard times (stay positive).
4) Deep, Truthful, and Vulnerable - A few stories that most people don't know about you.

You WON'T reach every level with every girl. Some girls don't like to get into deep conversations. I, for one, LOVE getting into deep, intellectual conversations. I feel it's my natural state of mind to contemplate deeply and thoroughly. Or to just sit back, observe, and enjoy the interactions around me. I generally think WAY too much!

In Wide Rapport, the interactions will be much more fun and playful. You can act things out, make funny faces and sounds, and couple that with playful touching, such as poking, pinky swears, high fives, the rock, light slapping (like on the wrist or the butt). In Deep Rapport, you're actually leading your girl into your own "Bullet Time Reality." The things around you will slow down, and time itself may be at a standstill. If done too early, it could be awkward. It would become a premature development in conversation. OR your girl could be more of the playful type and just get bored. Use calibration to see which direction your girl would rather go.

On the other hand, some women would prefer to go straight into intellectual talk. More slow and affectionate kino: hand holding, caressing, massaging, etc. Now if she JUMPS into this kind of conversation, it would actually prompt me to lively it up a little and make it somewhat playful without being immature. At that point, you may want to tap into her childlike side, which most of her boring intellectual friends probably don't do. Basically, be serious or playful without being boring. It's all Push-Pull. Again, use calibration. Only experience in the field will breed success. And only success will breed TRUE confidence.

To sum all this up: set your BOAT out. Raise your sail. Just ride the waves, and go where the wind my take you.

Hmmm... cheezy, yet profound. I dig it.




Excerpts: Stephen Nash (CEIC) - Going Solo

Going out solo forces you to interact with new people. I have always had positive results from doing things alone. The key is to make friends when you arrive.

Your goal is to meet new people, right? Why not apply a little social pressure to yourself and go alone, so you cannot hide behind the familiarity of your friends?

The worst thing that happens is that you attend an event, you extend your hand in introduction to people, and they completely reject you (never happens by the way, but this is the worst case scenario). All this does is prove that they are snobs and not worth your time.

You leave knowing you tried to meet new people and they were just too close-minded to make space for a new, cool person in their little world.

With the right attitude, going to things alone is a great way to expand your social circle. If you decide to do this, here is a strategy for increasing your effectiveness:

1) Arrive, and introduce yourself to the host of the party (or event organizer)
2) Mingle with some of the guys there (way easier for most guys to chat with guys…right?)
3) Now that you have some male friends as a base, mingle within their social circle – who knows, they may have single, available female friends with them.
4) Then, begin to mingle off of their social circle. As you converse and discuss things, bring other people into it – “hey, we are discussing ___, what do you think about ____?” Presto, you have just expanded the social circle.

Now, we can take this further if there is a woman there that has caught your eye, and you want to meet her.

5) Take the lead, and move the group you are in to “her” area of the room.
6) When you are in her vicinity, bring into your circle the closest person to you that is in “her” circle.
7) Again, take the lead, and present the topic to her circle, connecting the two social circles.

Presto, you are involved in her circle. Although there are seven steps to this little process – it is easy, and can be repeated anytime, and in any social setting.

When she says something, take the lead and respond. This begins a conversation with you and her.

One word of advice, if you really want to begin a good conversation with her, and make it look smooth in the process – disagree with whatever she says.

That's right, find a way to disagree with her. Then, it makes perfect sense that the two of you talk – as you now have to work out your disagreement!

The above structure is a classic way of socializing that has worked for me countless times. If your goal is merely to expand your social circle, follow this and find yourself meeting new people constantly.

This is also a great way to smoothly meet the “her” in the room.

Of course, you can also just walk up to her and introduce yourself…that might be simpler, and more impressive too. Doing that is a lot easier if you have made some friends first, and established a home base somewhere in the sea of strangers.

About me

  • I'm Pastiche
  • From Houston, Texas, United States
  • My mentality is all about POSITIONING. We choose to design a LIFESTYLE that serves our core values in Health, Wealth, and Love. The more we fine-tune this lifestyle, the closer we position ourselves towards our goals. By taking a macro, big-picture approach to life, you streamline and reduce the need to micro manage, and increase your capacity for enjoying the process. Less effort. More quality.
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